Our REGO Lookup system will assists you in correctly identifying a vehicle while at the same time speeding up the ordering and quoting process. With our REGO Lookup you no longer need specific make/model details or even the 17-character VIN. Using the REGO number and state we are able to locate the correct vehicle in our database. We make no assumptions or best guesses when matching to vehicles and if needed we use multiple sources of vehicle registration data to validate the details of a vehicle. If at the end of this process we are unsure of a perfect match, or if the registration data was inconclusive, we will present you with a small range of possible vehicles to select from.
The functionality costs $0.16 + GST per REGO lookup with a minimum invoice amount of $50 + GST per month, we invoice monthly on the 1st each month based on searches done in the previous month.
Contact support@autoinfo.com.au to get the REGO Search activated in your OSCAR.